75000 Body Screen TX - Connection Issues

If there are repeated pairing problems between the scale and the app, proceed as follows:

  1. Switch off the scale and close the app completely.
  2. Activate the scale by tapping it briefly. The weight display will now light up and the Bluetooth icon will flash at the top left. This means that the scale is now ready for pairing.
  3. Restart the app. If you are logged in, you will automatically land on the home screen. If the same scale has already been paired with the app in the past, the scale and app should now connect automatically. A new body analysis can now be started.


If the scale and app still do not connect automatically after this procedure, select “My profile” -> “Device management” and delete the scale from the connection list. Then reconnect the scale to the app under “Add device”. Your data will not be lost as it is stored in the app and not on the scale.

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