What can I train with a rowing machine?

Rowing machines are not just a simple piece of fitness equipment, but offer a variety of benefits for all fitness levels. Whether you want to improve your endurance, build muscle or simply stay fit, a rowing machine is the ideal choice to diversify your training and make it effective.

  • Full-body training at its best: a rowing machine activates over 85% of your body's muscle mass with every stroke. From the legs to the core to the arms and shoulders - every movement is designed to work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This makes it an unbeatable option for an efficient full-body workout.
  • Improving endurance: Training on a rowing machine is ideal for increasing your endurance. By rowing continuously at a steady pace, you can increase your lung capacity and improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. This not only supports your general fitness, but can also boost your performance in other sports.
  • Muscle building and definition: Rowing is not only a cardio workout, but also helps to build and define muscles. The pulling motion particularly trains the leg muscles (quadriceps, thighs and calves), the back (latissimus dorsi), the shoulders (deltoids) and the arms (biceps and forearm muscles). Regular training leads to stronger and firmer muscles throughout the body.
  • Easy on the joints and effective: Unlike many other sports, rowing is extremely easy on the joints. The fluid movement minimises the strain on the knees, hips and ankles, while at the same time delivering intensive training results. This makes it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, from beginners to professional athletes.
  • Calorie burning and weight management: Rowing is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. Through the intensive use of large muscle groups and the combination of endurance and strength training, you can achieve a high calorie burn. This makes it an efficient support for your weight management or fitness goals.
  • Training variety and entertainment: A rowing machine offers a wide range of training options. In addition to classic rowing, you can also try out interval training, resistance training and various rowing techniques. This keeps your training varied, challenging and entertaining.

Discover our large selection of high-quality rowing machines here.

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